
We are a People Focused Organisation

27 Years
Industry history

100 +
Country Scope of business
10 M+
Production Capacity

450,000 M
Production Base

About Horion

Engage InspireTransform It All Starts with Horion.

At Horion, we're people-focused. We believe that technology is most powerful when it connects us and unlocks our collective potential. We're not just selling displays; we're investing in your future.


Our Journey Defines Us

Our journey is a testament to our growth, resilience, and commitment to excellence, defining who we are today.

2020 Company Started
Horion is born, fueled by a passion for creating interactive experiences.
2021 Our Startup Goes Live
We introduce interactive whiteboards, forever changing the classroom (and meeting room) landscape in UAE.
2022 Made $2M+ Profits
We are thrilled to announce that we have achieved over $2 million in profits, a testament to our successful business growth and financial performance.
2023 Sold For 20M+
Horion is a leading provider of interactive flat-panel displays and LED signage, empowering businesses and educators to unlock their full potential.

Enterprise honor

Introducing our team of experts who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to help you achieve your goals.

Take the first step towards a more interactive and engaging tomorrow

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.

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